Tommy Tynjä

Software engineering and leadership


"Continuous Delivery is true agility"

2018-04-10 at JAX DevOps and Finance, London, United Kingdom

Interview conducted by JAXenter following my two presentations about continuous delivery at the JAX DevOps and Finance 2018 conference.

Link to JAXenter article

Presentation video recordings

A year of mob programming - tips & tricks

2018-03-20 at PipelineConf, London, United Kingdom

A year of mob programming - tips & tricks

2017-11-08 at Devoxx, Antwerp, Belgium

This recording is unfortunately missing the first ten minutes of the presentation which the Devoxx organizers informed was due to some technical problem.

Continuous Delivery of Microservices

2017-02-08 at Jfokus, Stockholm, Sweden

Så skapar continuous delivery värde för kunden [Swedish]

2018-06-12 at Tech World Summit, Stockholm, Sweden

Continuous Delivery with Jenkins: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2018-04-10 at JAX DevOps London, United Kingdom

A year of mob programming - tips and tricks

2018-10-19 at Heapcon, Belgrade, Serbia

A year of mob programming - tips & tricks (lightning talk) [Swedish] [Swedish]

2017-06-01 at Agila Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden

Next Generation Continuous Delivery (lightning talk) [Swedish]

2015-06 at Agila Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden


Så skapar continuous delivery värde för kunden

2018-06-12, Tech World Summit, Stockholm, Sweden

A year of mob programming - tips & tricks

2018-05-24 at DevDays Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania

Continuous Delivery with Jenkins: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2018-04-10, JAX DevOps London, United Kingdom

The Road to Continuous Delivery

2018-04-10 at JAX DevOps & Finance, London, United Kingdom

A year of mob programming - tips & tricks

2018-03-20 at PipelineConf, London, United Kingdom

A year of mob programming - tips & tricks

2017-11-08 at Devoxx, Antwerp, Belgium

Continuous Delivery of Microservices

2017-02-08 at Jfokus, Stockholm, Sweden

The Road to Continuous Delivery

2016-06-30 at JavaOne Latin America, São Paulo, Brazil

The Road to Continuous Delivery and Beyond

2016-05-25 at CD Summit & Jenkins Days, Stockholm, Sweden

Next Generation Continuous Delivery

2015-06-04 at Agila Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden

Automated Integration Testing in Java using Arquillian

2014-06-19 at Test Automation Day, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Automated Integrated Testing with MongoDB

2013-05-03 at MongoDB User Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

Automate your integration tests!

2012-04-23 at Agila Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden